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Clifton suspension Bridge


Energy Tracers CIC operates via a network of social franchisee companies. Each in a defined area.


Area Covered
The map below shows the West of England Combined Aurthority (WECA) area, which Energy Tracers -Bristol operates in. Our Tracers are distributed across this. If you live close by in localities without an operating Franchisee, then a Tracer from Bristol can cross the border to you. So please choose the closest one when booking. Notice the Tracers can also cover east Monmouthshire via the Severn bridges. 

Bristol Unitary Authority 2 ( West of En

Building characteristics

Bristol has particular problems with old properties both small terraced eg around Easton to large mansions eg in Clifton. Also the hilly Terrain creates wind and draught problems (Exposed Locations)  Our Tracers have training to cover this.


Retrofit West Voucher scheme.

 The West of England Combined Authority (WECA) has acquired grant from central government to accelerate domestic retrofit in their area. The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has formed a company, Retrofit West CIC, as a one stop retrofit shop. Energy Tracers is an approved supplier of services.

 To kick start Retrofit West, they have introduced a voucher scheme to fund discounts on services. This has allowed us to reorganise and expand our services for residents of WECA only.

Off each service the discount is 66% which we receive direct from Retro West at completion of each service.


Below is the new comprehensive structure

Pre-Retrofit Energy Trace

      Thermal imaging                                                                                                                                        

       To evaluate insulation and with our unique Draft Maker, identify drafts plus measure all

      ‘lived in’ ventilation as Air Changes per Hour [time for wind to repeatedly lose your warm air].                    

       Assess heating system for heat pump. 

Shallow Retrofit Plan                                                                                                                                     

       A plan to show DIY improvements guided by hours of video allows residents to make quick

        savings up to 30%. Close support including some free materials and hands on workshops leading

        up to ventilation without heat loss can be provided.


How much does it cost?

Pre-Retrofit Energy Trace

When applying your Voucher, the price remaining to pay is:-

Three Bedroom or less House      £83.34 

Four Bedroom House                   £100

Five   Bedroom House                 £116.67

Payable on completion of Booking Process

NB. For pricing where vouchers are not granted see the Standard prices on our Services page.

For Properties that don't match any of the above criteria, please make an enquiry via the "Contact Us" tab.


Getting hold of a Voucher

To access these discounted prices, contact Retrofit West via the link 

Homeowner Assessment Vouchers | Retrofit West Advice   and apply for the vouchers.



With the voucher go to our book Tab. Enter Bristol Retrofit West Voucher Scheme move through the prompts  choosing the House size, the Energy Tracer, the Date and Time slots from those available. Now fill in your Details on the information Form provided, remember to enter the voucher number where requested.





Local Connections

We are a Member of the Bristol Energy Network (BEN)  plus work with Bristol City Council, the Centre for Sustainable Energy ( CSE), Rework, Etc.

EnergyTracers Cic

We are Members of :-
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Association for Environment
Conscious Building
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Continuing Professional
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©2022 Created for EnergyTracers Cic by JRS Consulting

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